This is the most frequent function of BrooDoo Kegs. To scan a keg, navigate to the Scan tab.

There are three steps to a scan:


Either scan barcodes (app only) by pressing the Scan button, or manually typing the barcodes in the Barcodes field. You may scan or type in multiple barcodes (separate them by a space if you are typing them in).

If you enter a barcode with an incorrect format an error message will display under the field. If you have entered correctly formatted barcodes, but one or more of them is not registered in the system, or has been removed from it's keg, you will be alerted once you hit submit. If this happens, no events are recorded in the system. Correct the offending barcode and resubmit.

Event Type

From the Event Type field select the appropriate option. Once selected, the relevant fields are displayed.

Note: Depending on your role(s) not all options will be available.


Once an event type is selected, the relevant fields are displayed. Fill out the fields, then hit submit.


After submitting the scan, the information is sent to a server to process. Once this has happened, you will be presented with a success or failure message.


A green box is displayed and will show the type of event and number of barcodes scanned. Be sure to check this number against the number you wished to scan.


It is rare but possible to encounter an error on submitting a scan. One scenario is if you are trying to perform a scan on a keg when you are not permitted to do so. This is generally for admin actions that keg owners might do, such as changing a lessee. If they accidentally scanned a keg owned by someone else, the server will deny the action.

If for an unknown reason the server cannot successfully process the scan, a failure message will be shown. BrooDoo Kegs support team will be alerted to the problem and will investigate.

Paste Barcodes Button

After you submit a scan, a Paste Barcodes button is shown. This offers a shortcut in case you have to perform two different scans on the kegs in a row (e.g. if you fill then check out kegs immediately). By pressing this button, it populates the Barcodes field with the barcodes from the previous scan.